

外资企业境内房产业务(Domestic Investment In Real Estate By Foreign Invested Enterprises)


Foreign invested enterprises have increased their investments in the domestic real estate market in recent years, in addition to the acquisition of real estate projects, there are also foreign invested enterprises to increase their holdings of the stocks of listed real estate companies. At the same time of foreign investment in China's real estate market, the policy environment of the real estate market has been gradually fine-tuned. S.F. Attorneys at Law combines mature foreign experience with deep understanding of the local market to provide clients with comprehensive, multi-level, specialized legal advice and value-added services to help clients achieve their business goals.

法律服务内容(Legal Services)

1 与投资房地产项目相关的尽职调查(Due diligence related to real estate investment projects)

2 国内房地产市场准入和监管法律意见(Legal advice on the access and regulation & supervision of the domestic real estate market)

3 股权并购、资产并购法律服务协助外资企业对项目进行法律审慎调查,草拟和/或审查有关合作协议(Legal services for equity and asset M&A, assisting foreign companies in conducting legal due diligence on projects, drafting and/or reviewing relevant cooperation agreements)

4 为外资企业在华业务模式提供中国法律意见(Providing Chinese legal advice to foreign companies on their business patterns in China)

5 协助外资公司在中国各地设立、变更和注销各类商业存在,草拟和/或审查相关法律文件(Assisting foreign companies in establishing, changing and terminating all types of businesses in China, and drafting and/or reviewing relevant legal documents)

6 就政府审批、备案与登记等监管事项提供咨询意见并协助办理有关手续(Advising and assisting with government approvals, filings, registrations and other regulatory procedures)